Sarah and Kristin journeyed together in a beautiful silver tank.
They borrowed some money with plenty of honey
and have many people to thank.
Sarah said to Kristin, “Let’s make craft beer!”
Kristin said, “We’ll serve Gruyere!
What a lovely brewery we’ll make, we’ll make. What a lovely brewery we’ll make!”
Opened in July 2014, Cabinet Mountain Brewing Company is Libby’s only brewery and Montana’s first brewery exclusively owned by women. Sarah and Kristin came in to the business as a result of life transitions. They saw an opportunity and a way to help catalyze re-investment in downtown Libby. They have built their business with the intention of creating quality beers and making a difference in their community.
Their motto: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing” – Helen Keller

Our Head Brewer, Gary Beach, joined us in 2023 and just keeps cranking out the amazing seasonals that folks have guzzled with gratitude. We are so happy to have him in our team. Prost!